Europe… Will it resist to the fall ? Will it stay afloat ?

Warsaw, May 2013
Movie, 5’57 mn


In order to answer these questions I raised this metaphorical action, which was to drop Europe into the Vistula river in Warsaw. Polish, French and Spanish citizens participated in this action. On the way to the river in the district of Praga, the order of the letters was mixed, resulting in other words easily related to this European time such as “Paro” (unemployment in Spanish) or “Peuro” (a pun between fear and euro in French). Observations about the result of the fall of Europe : The E and P, already heavily punished, fell the first, and because of the impact were unrecognizable. The A fell last and dissociated itself from the rest. With what was left of Europe adrift of course some tried to fish what they could.


Participated in the action : Tomasz Zdrjewski, Dorota Porowska, Pierre Grosdemouge, Romain Louvel, Antoine Chaudet, David Dueñas, (…). Video : Anna M. Bofarull and Richard Louvet.



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