Cover_seminarioWe are pleased to announce the international interdisciplinary seminar at the University Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona (Spain) Thursday , the 26th & Friday, the 27th of September. During two days we will talk about interdisciplinary strategies and collaborations.

Download the program in English :

September 2013 Thursday the 26th & Friday the 27th

Multidisciplinary international seminar organized by the University Rovira I Virgili, Research Group in Social and Organizational Analysis, Ariadna and L’âge de la tortue

Interdisciplinary strategies and collaborations

University Rovira i Virgili, Campus Catalunya, Avda.
Catalunya, 35, 43002 Tarragona, Spain

Place of the seminar

“Sala de juntes”, Building 1 – Campus Catalunya
Inscription compulsory :
Association Ariadna / mail : – tel : +34639403658

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