


Since we arrived to Praga, I have been thinking a lot about this neighborhood. It’s the most « interesting » one in the Expedition’s project, quite more « attractive » in a sense than Camp Clar (Tarragona) or Maurepas (Rennes), more wild, more free, more different… But this makes me think about some words that Paloma said, when we were talking about Warsaw a couple of months ago: be aware of the « miserabilitation ». And this word has become really important for me here.


I’m with the camera at the Praga streets and I’m attracted by the old and destroyed buildings, the old brick and stone houses (the « kamienica »). And as I realize, I prefer to film them than other houses probably more comfortables but less « attractive », less « beautiful » -speaking in an aesthetic way, when something old is nicer than something new, when we prefer something different and exotic than what we see every day. So finally I must confront myself to this « miserabilitation » and ask myself if I’m true with the neighborhood and its people when I’m filming to show their daily life.

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5 Commentaires pour “Kamienica”

  1. Paloma dit :

    Supongo que lo importante es simplemente actuar con consciencia y.. pararse y preguntarse a úno mismo… una y mil veces…
    Petons !

    • Anna M. Bofarull dit :

      Es uno de esos momentos en que un documentalista se cuestiona la esencia misma de su trabajo: sin caer en una estética vacía y falaz, buscar una imagen adecuada para la realidad que capta a su alrededor. Intentar encontrar las imágenes que mejor traduzcan lo que uno percibe… ¡Seguimos!

  2. Nolwenn Troël-Sauton dit :

    Yes, I can understand your feelings. Pictures of Warsaw looks like very different of two others neighborhood of Expeditions, and the temptation could be important to show this difference no? But where is the frontier between show this difference and fall into this « miserabilitation »? It’s always the same idea, about where is the border of Expeditions I think, and you are in the twister with your moving pictures!

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