
Expeditions Exploratory travel with artistic, scientific and educational aim

A project co-ordinated by L’âge de la tortue et co-organized with :

– Contemporary art center La Criée (Rennes)
Fundació Casal L’Amic (street education, Tarragona)
Le Commun : experimentation-research group (sociology, Montpellier, Saint-Denis, Grenoble, Rennes)
Ariadna (artistic projects, Tarragona)
GRPAS (social pedagogy, Rennes)
University of Warsaw, Institute of Polish Culture
L’âge de la tortue (global coordination, artistic projects, Rennes)
University Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona, sociology department
Künstainer (artistic projects, Tarragona)
GPAS Praga Polnoc (social pedagogy, Warsaw)
– University of Rennes, art department (Arts : pratiques et poétiques) and sociolinguistic department (PREFics)
Vlep[v]net (artistic projects, Warsaw)



L’âge de la tortue
10 bis, square de Nimègue
35200 Rennes

Tel : +33 661 757 603
Céline Laflute, coordinator
Antoine Chaudet, press and media relation
Romain Louvel, artistic coordinator


Website development : Association BUG

Visual identity of the project : Atelier du Bourg

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